Friday, October 10, 2008


One question that gets brought up a lot (especially working at a mobilization ministry) is "if a person has never heard the Gospel, the name of Jesus, nothing at all about Him, are they going to hell?"

There is an Island of about 1000 people, they have no news about the Gospel. Will they go to Hell?

Now, a missionary goes to them and 500 of them become believers in Christ, does the other 500 go to Hell?

yes, no, ?.

if you said no or ? to the first question and yes to the second question, then you are saying that it is the rejection of Christ that orders a person to hell. And it would have been better to never have gone to those people in the first place with the gospel.

Lets say we have a man who is deathly ill with some sort of disease. He goes to the hospital and they have cure for him. It comes in the form of a shot, and our man is terrified of needles. He refuses to get the shot and dies shortly after. What killed him?

It wasn't the rejection of the disease, it was the disease.

Disease= sin.

Sin is what separates us from God, and it is what brings all humanity to hell unless they have the cure (Christ).

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


Ryan Guard said...

Hey Travis! Great questions buddy. I've wondered about some of the same things. Like...

Do you think that a person would ever TRULY reject Christ if they completely knew the implications of that rejection? Are they rejecting something that they know to be true, or are they rejecting something because they haven't been convinced. Who, in their right mind, would reject something if they were convinced that it was the very best thing for them? Maybe a child would do that, but you wouldn't punish a child for choosing the wrong thing based on their limited maturity and understanding.


Keira Grace said...

Great post Trav, thank you for this! :)