Sunday, June 29, 2008


Man, I'm really horrible with this blogging thing. And ive been horrible with keeping in contact with people. I have been meaning to call people, but there is just so much going on all the time its very easy to get side tracked. Like, i swear i have got on the phone 4 times this week to call Ryan G, but somebody catches on fire, gets stabbed, or pukes on me... which has happened three times so far. But its going to happen, one day.

So what i've learned...

Jesus's teachings are clear, and the American church has set up walls and is concerned about saving souls, which is a good thing, but they keep them enclosed. When Christ demands that we tear down walls. Somewhere a long the line we have sugar coated our Fathers teachings... The gospel is for the 2.8 billion people who have never heard Christ's name. You can go around every corner in the states, and there is a church. Does a person have the right to hear the gospel twice, when a person hasn't heard it at all? I dont know. A person in America has the opprotunity to hear the gospel once a day. Those billions of people have the opportunity to hear the gospel every 40 years. Christ is for all people... "as the Father has sent me, even so i am sending you". Some are called to stay, but all are commanded to go.

Thats just a very small bit,,, I have been having an amazing time here, building amazing relationships. And im pretty sure if i were to visit Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Maine, and anywhere on the west coast i would have
a place to stay. I'm reading The Divine Conspiracy, which has been blowing my mind all over the wall, plus Disciplines of a Godly Man, plus Philipians, plus going through a work book for the gospel of John. I have never read so much in my entire life, and its been really hard. I'm not going to lie. But when i "get it", it an amazing feeling. Francis Chan's church is here, so im stoked for this week.

I'm going to try and keep this up.


Christopher. said...

Beautiful stuff Travis!
I do agree with you.
I also heard that it's really cheap to translate the bible to a different languages these days. I think I'm going to start something. Almost like a LC2LC deal, except, for making bibles in languages where people haven't heard the Gospel.

Along with that, I think that, sure there are churches on every corner, but that's all different types of beliefs. I think it's also important to make sure the people who are getting to the gospel are getting to the right gospel. So along with change outside the walls, there needs to be some changes inside, too.

I think when you get back we'll really have to start getting together and discussing about these things. And then no more waiting, we've gotta do something about it now. Only about another month and a half! I bet you'll miss it though. I think I could really just take some time and sit down and think about it now though, and stop waiting for someone to do it with me.

I miss you 10 times more then you could ever miss me, so let's not start that.

Ryan Guard said...

I'm trying to get you a job at my church. Stay tuned.

Bryan said...

I miss you so much.

You are inspirational. No doubt. :-).

Keira Grace said...

Trav!! You are really horrible at blog updates, but it sounds like you are keeping busy! I'm so excited to hear about what God is teaching you. I just found out that I get home right after you leave again...not cool. I hope to catch up with you soon! God bless :)

Summer said...
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Summer said...

You desperately need to update this.. now it's just getting plain ridiculous! :]